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The King's Foundation supports people to create community. Whether through championing a sustainable approach to how we live our lives and build our homes, teaching traditional arts and skills and restoring historic sites, or by looking after places to visit for everyone to enjoy, The King's Foundation is leading the way forward.
To find out how you can make a difference to our work, please follow the links below.
We fill over 15,000 places on education programmes every year. We deliver over 30 distinct programmes across a broad variety of thematic areas. Our participants are aged anywhere between 4 and 74 and we deliver a high proportion of employment and further education take-up from a large number of our programmes.
From restoring community spaces for people to enjoy, to transforming derelict buildings into thriving visitor attractions, we have undertaken and advised on many projects over the years which have put our expertise and ideas into practice.
Places to visit
We care for a number of places to visit across the UK, including Dumfries House Estate and the Castle of Mey in Scotland, and hold regular exhibitions at our gallery in Shoreditch, London.